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Electromagnetic Compatibility
In the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), ABEGU offers complex provision of EMC ranging from EMC Concept elaboration to ensuring of required compatibility margin.

Overview of Activities

  • EMC concept, programmes and test procedure elaboration
  • Measurements of electromagnetic environment
  • Measurements of electromagnetic emissions
  • Test of immunity to electromagnetic disturbance
  • Compatibility margin assessment
  • Design of solutions and modifications for the achievement of required compatibility margin

EMC Concepts, Programmes and Test Procedures Elaboration
The EMC concept is necessary for new construction and for replacing of control systems or their parts. Programmes with methodology and with test procedures or only test procedures are necessary for operational testing, and they determine specific progresses of work, methods, instruments, levels, criteria and measured interfaces. These documents are essential to negotiation with suppliers of systems or approval and justification of test results with regulatory authority (in the case of nuclear power plants).

Measurement of Electromagnetic Environment
Measurement of electromagnetic environment includes the measuring of both electromagnetic field and installation conditions.

  • Measurements of the intensity of electromagnetic fields
  • Power supply quality measurement 
  • Harmonic analysis of voltage and current
  • Measurements of short-term transient performances in time domain incl. their frequency analyses
  • Long-term recorded measurements of short-term transients through analyzers of disturbance (made in ABEGU)
  • Measurements of the characteristic impedance and shielding effectiveness of shielded cables
  • Measurement of the shielding effectiveness of cable trays, shielding tubes and flexi tubes
  • Measurement of electrical resistance of floor coverings and installed floors

Reference standards

Measurement of Electromagnetic Emissions

  • Laboratory measurements of electromagnetic disturbance emissions in an anechoic chamber
  • Operational measurements of electromagnetic disturbance emissions at the customer's site
  • Measurement of near electromagnetic fields in a laboratory or at the customer's site
  • Measurements of disturbing open circuit voltage and barrage in a laboratory or at the customer's site
  • Measurement of harmonic current emissions in a laboratory or at the customer's site

Reference standards

Tests of Immunity to Electromagnetic Disturbance

  • Laboratory measurements of immunity to electromagnetic disturbance
  • Operational measurements of immunity to electromagnetic disturbance

Reference standards

Compatibility Margin Assessment
Compatibility margin assessment is performed on the basis of comparing electromagnetic environment test results with electromagnetic immunity test results. It is necessary to ensure an immunity level higher than the level of surrounding electromagnetic environment.

Reference standards

Design of Solutions and Modifications
The problem with electromagnetic disturbing occurs when the level of disturbance influencing the equipment is higher than the immunity of the equipment. In this case, it is necessary to find a solution that ensures an acceptable compatibility margin. To find such solution, it is necessary to have the right input data. Obtaining of such data is the first condition for a successful result. However, in operational conditions, this is often very difficult and time-consuming. ABEGU employees have broad experience in this matter and can offer the most effective techniques for fast finding of the optimal solution. This techniques are based on:

  • Design studying
  • Visual inspection in-situ 
  • Preparation of measuring 
  • Measuring on site 
  • Laboratory simulation 
  • Data analysis 
  • Finding an optimal solution for compatibility margin securing or the right function of the equipment 
  • Confirmation of the solutions in the laboratory or on site 
  • Final technical report elaboration 
  • Negotiations on the solution with the suppliers or supervisors and its approval

Reference standards

ABEGU is able to ensure the whole area of EMC, from the EMC concept to the achievement of sufficient compatibility margin.

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